Wednesday, November 27, 2013

violent love.

This word gets thrown around so loosely these days. Love. Its the very reason we were created. We love because He first loved us. He loved us enough to create us to have relationship with Him. He loved us enough to send His one and only son to DIE for us. Jesus loved us enough to humble himself , to die the most painful excrutiating death there ever could be….JUST FOR US. How does this concept even make sense? That we don't have to do anything to earn His love or make Him love us more… but that He loves us right here, right now, with a love that is everlasting. The fact that we get to partner with Him in the things He is doing and He trusts us enough to give us His heart, to tell us what His heart is beating for, breaking for, rejoicing for. Even when we don't understand, He gives us the peace that passes all understanding. 

Psalm 42: 1-2
 "As a deer pants for streams of water,
 so my soul pants for you, O God. 
My soul thirsts for God, for the Living God." 

He is coming back for His beloved ones. He is not stopping the fight. He is in relentless pursuit of the reason He created the world.  He is love. The Alpha and the Omega. Beginning and the end. Everlasting. Jehovah. Yeshua. Abba Father. Holy and Righteous. Perfect and just. Almighty and All-powerful. Eternal. Creator. Emmanuel. Faithful. Good. Savior. LOVE

"This, this is the God we adore, our faithful, unchangeable Friend, whose love is as great as His power, and neither knows measure nor end. Tis Jesus, the first and the last, whose spirit shall guide us safe home; we'll praise Him for all that is past and trust Him for all that's to come." -Joseph Hart  

My flesh will be the death of me
My sin engulfs me - I'm drowning
Your love gives me fuel, 
It makes me come alive - PURITY
Set me free from the chains of sin
Make my heart anew
Rid me of my selfish desires
Ive tasted and seen of the beauty
Nothing else matters
My heart is focused and set on the
Unconditional love I've found
|| LOVER of my SOUL ||

May thankfulness and praise
 never cease from my lips.
He is worthy. 

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